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Festival Berio 2022

From the 27th to the 29th of May, 2022, Radicondoli (Province of Siena, Italy) hosted a weekend dedicated to Luciano Berio and his profound bond with the Tuscan village he chose in the 1970s as his favourite place of the heart, in which to work and spend time with his family and closest friends.
The event, entitled “Suoni e occasioni: Radicondoli ricorda Luciano Berio" (Sounds and occasions: Radicondoli remembers Luciano Berio), is organised by Radicondoli Arte in collaboration with the Centro Studi Luciano Berio and the Radiconvento Music School (Dulcimer Fondation pour la musique). The program aims to celebrate the Maestro (as he is still called by the residents of the village), through the sharing of memories and testimonies of the people who knew him and were part of his life.
The weekend consisted of audiovisual projections, an exhibition of archival material, meetings with the public, musical performances and a concert by the mdi ensemble with works by Berio and readings of his texts. The throughline of all these events was the concept of "occasion," as defined with multiple meanings and retraced through the artistic and personal biography of Luciano Berio.

To underline the relationship between Berio and Radicondoli, we have collected extracts from texts and interviews where the composer talks about this special affection on this page.

Some photos of the meeting with the public, held on 28 May at the Teatro dei Risorti in Radicondoli, are collected here.


27 May 2022 – Teatro dei Risorti

18:30. Inauguration of the audiovisual space
Opening words by Francesco Guarguaglini, Mayor of Radicondoli
A musical offering by mdi ensemble

28 May 2022 – Teatro dei Risorti

10:00-13:00 Round Table conducted by Angela Ida De Benedictis (Centro Studi Luciano Berio) with opening words of Talia Pecker Berio
Participants: Aldo Bennici, Michele dall’Ongaro, Mila De Santis, Marcello Panni

18:30 – Pieve Vecchia della Madonna

Concert with mdi ensemble
"Suoni e occasioni": music (and words) by Luciano Berio
(for the full program - click here)

29 May 2022 – Il Colombaio (home of the Maestro and residence of the Berio family)

10:00-13:00. Guided visits (by appointment only) with the participation of students from the Radiconvento Music School (Dulcimer Fondation pour la musique)
