Centro Studi
The Centro Studi Luciano Berio was created on 24 October 2009 at the initiative of Talia Pecker Berio in order to promote the musical and personal legacy of Luciano Berio. The founder members of the Centro Studi are: Pierre Boulez, Edoardo Sanguineti, Umberto Eco, Valerio Adami, Renzo Piano, Giorgio Pestelli, Maurizio Pollini, Francesco Micheli, Betty Olivero, Virginia Ripa di Meana, Andrea Lucchesini and Fabio Fassone.
The Centre aims to be a nerve centre for all sorts of study and research approaches to Berio’s output, linking both actual and virtual realities to ensure ready communication between scholars, musicians, relevant institutions and the public at large. This community has an initial forum in this site, intended to be rather more than an efficient and up-to-date instrument providing information and consultation on-line. It hopes to be first and foremost a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and opinions concerning Berio’s work, a virtual reality in which the many, varied and potential topics evoked and elicited by his music can be explored, developed and discussed as they arise.
The Centro Studi exists to safeguard and disseminate the moral, musical and intellectual legacy of Luciano Berio. It sets out to promote musical and musicological initiatives which can contribute to cultural life and which, inspired by the composer’s work and philosophy, will embrace various fields of knowledge and different artistic experiences in an interdisciplinary perspective. It intends to review, collect and catalogue every type of source material concerning the life and works of Luciano Berio, and in addition to make accessible all kinds of catalogue, whether on-line or printed, data bases and other means of information and consultation both on line and through other channels. Moreover, with the collaboration and support of other institutions, foundations and archives, the Centro Studi aims to set up a project of systematic codification in order to create a digital archive and make available a centre of documentation concerning various typologies of material - printed, digital, audio and video - connected with the life and production of Luciano Berio. These will include:
1) scores, parts and other musical sources for all of Luciano Berio’s works;
2) writings, libretti, letters and other verbal documents left by Luciano Berio;
3) audio and video recordings;
4) iconographic material;
5) publications produced worldwide concerning Luciano Berio and related topics.
The Centro Studi also intends to honour the memory of Luciano Berio by safeguarding the historical buildings where he resided and worked. One of these, the residence in Via di San Vito, Florence, which he used as his city-based studio, has been designated as the headquarters of the Centro Studi.
The Centro Studi is not an archive and it is no open to the public. Its main function is the coordination of the research and the assistance to scholars at large. Luciano Berio's manuscripts are deposited and can be consulted at the Paul Sacher Foundation (http://www.paul-sacher-stiftung.ch).