Enlargement of CSLB Staff
Thanks to a grant from the Ernst von Siemens Stiftung, Munich, the Centro Studi Luciano Berio has appointed Angela Carone as scientific collaborator for a three year period, 2012-2014.
Angela, a scholar of Berio's music and thought, will collaborate on the edition of the composer's published and unpublished writings and interviews.The two forthcoming volumes, to be issued by Einaudi between 2012 and 2014, will form continuation of the series «Opere di Luciano Berio» directed by Talia Pecker Berio, initiated with Un ricordo al futuro. Lezioni americane (Einaudi 2006).
She will also assist the staff of the Centre with the organization of initiatives regarding the publishing project to coincide with the tenth anniversary of Berio's death (May 2013).
All details of the Siemens grant are available on the website: http://www.evs-musikstiftung.ch/en/grants-in-aid-projects/grants-in-aid-...).